Grow your business, boost your leadership

What we were asked

LVMH wants its employees to benefit from personalized training in digital marketing. Entry evaluation, adapted content with progressive unlocking, themed events. All of this in an intuitive application. The POC is due to be rolled out initially within one of the Group's companies.

What Sherfi anwsered

"To infinity and beyond!A project of this magnitude requires us to be ready for battle. The availability of the LVMH teams enables us to organize our work on a co-design basis. We create mock-ups and develop them at the pace of functional workshops.This organization demands record flexibility in development, and formidable organization, enabling us to move forward as soon as one of the many functionalities is stopped.We will continue to develop right up to the middle of the great containment of 2020 and beyond, in order to deliver everything that has been imagined.

Intranet / extranet
Mobile / tablet
Application mobile/tablette

Super powers we used

  • Design
  • Technical direction
  • Art direction
  • UX design
  • Back-end development
  • Front-end development
  • Activation and animation
  • International deployment
  • Application maintenance and upgrades

Technical Stacking

  • React Native